The Tax Filing Timeline: Key Dates You Can’t Miss

Stay on top of important tax deadlines to avoid penalties and maximize your return. Mark these key dates on your calendar!

January 31: W-2 and 1099 Deadline

Employers must send out W-2s and 1099s by this date. Keep an eye on your mail or inbox for these essential tax documents.

April 15: Tax Day

This is the deadline for filing your individual tax return. File on time to avoid late fees or consider an extension if needed.

June 15: Extension Deadline for Expats

If you live abroad, you have until June 15 to file your taxes without penalties. Don’t forget to claim foreign income exclusions!

September 15: Business Tax Deadline

Corporations and partnerships must file their extended returns by this date. Missing it could mean big penalties for your business.

October 15: Extension Deadline

If you filed for an extension, this is your last chance to submit your tax return. Don’t wait until the last minute!

Akron Income Tax Co.

Get professional help, right here in Akron, Ohio.

2215 E. Waterloo Rd. Suite 113 Akron, Ohio 44312 (330)733-1040